“Safe Homes – Resilient Communities”
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
The Association of Minnesota Building Officials is a non-profit organization representing individuals and municipalities with no financial interest in the content of construction regulations. Our interest is affordable public safety in the built environment and the efficient administration of construction codes.
more about AMBO
In 2003, a cadre of determined and passionate individuals deliberated tirelessly over how to deliver relevant, quality education to construction-inspection-industry professionals. General sentiment believed them to be crazy dreamers. The group set out to prove otherwise. The strong-minded, determined individuals formed the Association of Minnesota Building Officials. AMBO struggled through hard-hitting opposition for three years before celebrating the first AMBO Educational Institute in February 2006. The following year, the ICC Region Ill Board of Directors agreed to allow AMBO to use their name and logo to sponsor the ICC Upper Great Plains Region Ill Institute. The ICC Upper Great Plains Region Ill Institute was originally held at the Northland Inn in Minneapolis. Major renovations at the Northland Inn in 2012 forced the Institute to move. The breathtakingly beautiful Oak Ridge Conference Center in Chaska became a much-loved venue for nine years. In 2021, the Institute moved again to the current location at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest in Minneapolis. Since the Marriott was previously the Northland Inn, it was a familiar location providing all-suite lodging and increased classroom space under one roof. We applaud the determination and diligence of those who spearheaded to efforts to initiate this annual event. Thank you, Ron Nienaber, Merwin Larson, Greg Johnson, Gary Yoder, Sid Fossan, Keith Wille, Pat Parsley, Larry Huff, Steve Carson, Duane Lasley, Joe Ryan, and 'Code Guy' Roger Axel. AMBO Board of Directors Each year since the beginning, the AMBO Board has continued to sponsor the February Institute. The Board membership changes over the years. The current Board members are Jerry Backlund (Chair); Barb Williams (Vice Chair & Web Coordinator); Silvia Gonzalez (Secretary); Joanne Hager (Treasurer); Jim Williamette (Past Chair); Kristyna Munter (Arrowhead Chapter); Sid Fossan (Northwest Chapter); James Coyle (Southeast Chapter); Doug Fortune (Southwest Chapter); Todd Hoekstra (10K Chapter); Brian Hoffman (At-Large); Liz Riel (At-Large); Gil Rossmiller (At-Large); Nathan Bruhn (At-large).
Education Planning Committee Planning for the Institute begins in the spring of each year with barely a break from wrapping-up the February event. In-person meetings every two-or-three weeks for two-or-three months have become virtual meetings. Members of the Education Planning Committee work to determine relevant educational topics and locate quality presenters. Planning Committee members for the 2024 Institute are Adam Ostert, Andy Schreder, Brian Stemwedel, Carri Levitski, Chad Payment, Chad Whiting, Christine Rose, Dave Skallet, Gil Rossmiller, Jason Klema James Coyle, Jerry Backlund, Jim Williamette, Kyle Klatke, Liz Chagolla, Mark Finn, Matt Munter, Michele Engberg, Moria Awuku, Scott Anderson, Sid Fossan, Silvia Gonzalez, and Tom Bakken. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, expertise, and industry contacts. continued on next page 2024 ICC Upper Great Plains Region III Educational Institute | www.iccsafe.org/RegionIII | 18 Partnerships Make it all Possible It takes extensive teamwork and cooperation to create a successful event such as the February Institute. We recognize the work of many who are involved in the event. Region III Chapter of ICC ƒ Iowa Representatives: Adam Ostert; Gary Hansen; Roger Schemmel (2nd Vice President) ƒ Minnesota Representatives: Kip LaMotte; Pam Christiansen; Silvia Gonzalez (Secretary) ƒ North Dakota Representatives: Todd Johnson; Luke Olson; Christine Rose (President) ƒ South Dakota Representatives: Lauralee Patton; Tom Paisley (Past President); Butch Warrington (Treasurer) ƒ Wisconsin Representatives: Brian Flannery; Nicole Krahn; Scott Satula (1st Vice President) ICC Liz Chagolla is the ICC point-of-contact for ICC presenters, coordinating the brochure, managing registrations, and much more. DLI Chad Payment is the DLI point-of contact for DLI education. Josie Steinhoff is the go-to for Minnesota Continuing Education approvals. Presenters Each year, our quality education is delivered by exceptional presenters. We appreciate each of them! Venue Our event planner, Katie and the entire Marriott staff have been wonderful hosts to the event. Audio-Visual Team Encore technicians assure quality delivery. Trade Show We thank our Trade Show Coordinators, Liz Riel and Silvia Gonzalez, as well as all of the participating vendors and supporters. Awesome Attendees And of course, the attendees. This event would clearly not be possible without our attendees and their continuing appreciation for the education and the networking opportunities. Special Recognition for Scholarship Donation Andy Schreder of Rum River Construction Consultants approached the AMBO Board with a muchappreciated offer to donate half of his presentation stipend to AMBO to be used to help train and educate those new to becoming an inspector and with the hope that other presenters would follow the lead. Going Forward We’ve come this far. Let’s keep it going! AMBO hopes the February Institute will continue to provide: ƒ Quality Education for the betterment of the industry as well as for Continuing Education; ƒ Networking Opportunities with professionals in the construction-inspection industry; and ƒ Sustainability with break-even financials, positive commentaries, and repeat attendance. As Code Guy Roger Axel Would Say “Not bad for a bunch of volunteers!”